It’s a pleasure to announce the commencement of the new academic session of 2024-25. With the lush-green campus now robust with the hustle-bustle of fresh faces, the university now feels complete till the T. This transition from school to college is a major event for all the students and to make it more memorable, a week-long orientation was conducted at Pandit Deendayal Energy University which involved interaction with the respected faculties, laboratory staff, lab visits, fun experimentations and lot more fun activities. Finally, it culminated with a cultural day with our old students and the current students performing on stage with full zeal and zest. This was followed by a gala dinner for everyone.

As enthusiastic the students are, our faculties and mentors are equally rejoicing the commencement of the new session with new set of students. Seeing such vibrance in the campus after a big break of summer vacations, everyone feels as if the campus has got its life back. The sole purpose of the university is to cater knowledge to the students and with one-of-the-best labs and equipments, the university has plunged itself to achieving greater heights for a better future for the nation. As our students are called the future nation-builders and energy soldiers of the nation, our students will not just be gaining academic knowledge, but also be receiving an overall holistic development.

From the Director General Prof. Dr. S. Sundar Manoharan to the Director of School of Technology, Dr. Dhaval Pujara to the Director of School of Energy Technology, Dr. Anirbid Sircar; all have been prepping vigorously on their end to cater to the admissions of these bright students as well as beginning the journey of their bright career ahead. Right from the Central Admission Team to the Placements Cell to the Administration Office and our dear faculties, all here at PDEU were looking forward for a zesty kickstart into the new academic year and also meeting and engaging with our new students. Raw and rusty stones when put in good hands have the capability of turning into diamonds. The same will be the case with our potential students who have been chosen to be carved out and shine like a diamond in four years.

It has been quite often seen how in this Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha era students are engaged much into technology and its benefits as well as dis-advantages. But here at PDEU, the social butterflies and the not-so-social butterflies both get a broad spectrum of opportunities to explore including extra-curricular activities, club activities, hackathons, annual fests, sports activities and fests etc. for them to explore themselves and for them to represent our university at various levels of glory across the nation. Apart from these, academically inclined students get opportunities with acclaimed paid internships, research opportunities, financial assistance and other benefits given by Innovation and Incubation Centre. These are the pathways which pave their way towards becoming a holistically developed individual; ready to take on the world by a storm.


On a whole, cutting the long story short, students here at PDEU will have a bright and exciting future to hold with a diverse culture and dynamic environment to study into. With a 100-acre lush green campus, all of us are indeed at a very happening place to be at. Cheers to the new energy soldiers at making!

1 comment:

  1. It actually feels like the campus gets its life back. Students are back with great zeal and the campus is happening with lot of activities going across the schools. The fresh students are quite enthusiastic to move to college life bidding adeu to the school life..


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