Celebrating Engineer’s Day - The Role of Human Ingenuity and Engineering in the Age of AI

By. Dr. Shobhit Chaturvedi, 

(Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, SOT, PDEU)

The Legacy of M. Visvesvaraya

Engineer’s Day, celebrated annually on 15th September, pays tribute to the extraordinary contributions of engineers and the significant role they play in societal development. This day also commemorates the legacy of M. Visvesvaraya, whose visionary work in engineering and infrastructure has left an indelible mark on India’s progress. As we celebrate this day, it is essential to reflect on how the discipline of engineering continues to evolve and how human ingenuity, combined with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), drives innovation and addresses complex challenges.

M. Visvesvaraya, often hailed as the "Architect of Modern India," was instrumental in shaping India's infrastructure. His innovative solutions, including the design of the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam, demonstrated a blend of scientific knowledge and practical application. Engineer’s Day, marking his birth anniversary, serves as a reminder of his contributions and the importance of engineering in national development. His approach to engineering—emphasizing precision, planning, and execution—continues to inspire current and future engineers.

The Evolving Role of Engineering

The field of engineering has always been a catalyst for progress, from constructing ancient wonders to developing modern cities. Today, engineering spans a broad range of disciplines, continually adapting to new technologies and methodologies. One of the most significant advancements in recent years is the integration of AI into engineering practices. This integration is transforming how engineers approach design, problem-solving, and implementation.

Engineering and Artificial Intelligence

AI technologies, including machine learning, data analytics, and automation, are revolutionizing engineering. Enhanced design and simulation capabilities allow engineers to create more accurate and efficient models. AI-powered tools help predict potential issues and optimize designs, leading to more innovative solutions. Predictive maintenance, driven by AI algorithms, enables the analysis of data from sensors to anticipate and address maintenance needs before problems arise, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of assets.

Smart infrastructure is another area where AI is making a significant impact. The integration of AI with the Internet of Things (IoT) enables the creation of smart systems that can monitor and manage infrastructure in real time. This technology enhances the functionality and efficiency of urban systems, such as smart grids and intelligent transportation networks, making cities more sustainable and resilient. Additionally, AI-driven automation and robotics are transforming sectors like manufacturing and construction, improving precision, productivity, and reducing human error.

The Symbiosis of Human Ingenuity and AI

While AI offers significant advantages, it is crucial to remember that human creativity and problem-solving skills remain at the heart of engineering innovation. AI serves as a powerful complement to human capabilities, but it cannot replace the ingenuity and critical thinking that engineers bring to their work. Engineers are tasked with envisioning and solving problems that extend beyond the capabilities of algorithms. While AI can generate ideas and assist in design processes, it is the human element that directs and shapes these innovations. The integration of human creativity with AI tools fosters solutions that are not only technically advanced but also practical and relevant to real-world challenges.

As AI continues to evolve, engineers must adapt by developing interdisciplinary skills and addressing ethical considerations. This includes collaborating with experts in data science, ethics, and social sciences to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly. Ensuring transparency, fairness, and equity in AI applications is essential for creating technology that benefits society while safeguarding privacy and addressing potential biases. The future of engineering will depend on how well engineers balance technological advancements with ethical responsibility to enhance human well-being and address global challenges.

Ek Teer Kayi Nishaan




- Dr. (Col.) Rakesh Kumar Shrivastav, Registrar, PDEU 

Ismail Haniyeh, topmost leader of Hamas was assassinated on Wednesday 31 July 2024 at a Guest House in Iran at 2 AM. He was at Iran, one of the closest allies of Hamas, for the swearing in ceremony of Iranian President Mr. Masoud Pezeshkian. Haniyeh was the unofficial ruler of Gaza and possibly dictated Hamas actions both military and diplomatic, during the conflict. His death is poised to have far reaching consequences not only for West Asia but for the complete world. We can safely say that the action is much more than meets the eye or ‘killing many birds with one stone’. The assassination marks a significant development in the ongoing Israel, Hamas conflict, Iran’s own pride including role of Iran in Hamas and Hezbollah actions, Houthi militants actions in Red Sea, neighbours of Israel i.e. Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt and finally the salient /not so silent players in the game i.e. USA, Russia and China.


Ismail Haniyeh’s Role in Hamas.


 He was a prominent figure of Hamas for quarter of a century. Haniyeh from a humble background, rose through ranks, eventually becoming PM of Palestinian Authority in 2006. He assumed the leadership of Gaza after the violent split between two main bodies of Palestine i.e. Fatah and Hamas in 2007. He was responsible for negotiating complex alliances in favour of Hamas and was staunch enemy of Israel. He ensured strong Hamas military capabilities in order to take on Israel. He was the Chief Negotiator of Hamas in Israel – Hamas peace talks in both Qatari brokered peace talks and US led peace talks. According to US, the peace which was days away will get derailed with his killing.


Immediate Reaction and Escalation


The killing may affect Israel – Hamas war in both ways i.e. escalation or peace process. It may escalate the situation in Gaza with increased attacks from Gaza to Israel or alternatively due to the power vacuum in Hamas leadership, may lead to Hamas accepting release of hostages and peace talks on terms of Israel. Lot of this will also depend on the support from many of the Hamas allies including retaliatory actions by Iran.


Recent Activities in West Asia as Related to Israel – Hamas War


After the Heinous Hamas attack on Israel on 17 Oct. 2023 and commencement of Israel Hamas war, over 10 months and counting, the end does not seem to be in sight. Some of the recent activities in last few days are:


  •  Israel attack on diplomatic facility in Damascus that killed seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) on 01 Apr 2024 and further Iran guarded retaliation on Israel with more than 300 missiles and drones on 13 April. Further Israel attack on Iran’s S-300 Long Range Air Defence System at Irfahan as a demonstrative retaliation.
  • 19 May 2024, the Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, died in a Helicopter crash. Though no foul play has been indicated but it made Iran lose focus of support to Hamas.
  • 13 July Hamas military Chief Mohammed Dief was killed in Gaza Airstrike which was revealed and confirmed only couple of days back.
  • Houthi’s missile attack at Israel and Israel air strike at Hodeidah Port at Yemen. Israel hit at a range of 3000 kms.
  • Brig rank commander of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) of Iran was killed at Damascus in Syria.
  • Hezbollah Commander Fuad Shukr was killed by Israel airstrike at Beirut, Lebanon’s capital in retaliation to a rocket attack in Israel Golan heights killing 12 people, mostly children.
  • Finally the latest death of Haniyeh at Tehran.


Options with Iran

The killing of Haniyeh has happened on Iran soil that too when the Hamas leader was there to attend the official function as a guest and staying in the most secured zone guarded by IRGC troops. Latest reports suggests that the bomb was planted in the guest house almost two months prior and was detonated remotely at 2 AM. Mr. Ayatollah Khamenei was informed in the night. At 7 AM he summoned the members of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council and issued an order to strike Israel in retaliation.


This is the second or third time in last few months that Iran has been challenged by Israel directly. Full-fledged offensive on Israel by Iran is not a possibility however targeting Israel by missiles/drones or rockets from Lebanon, Syria or Gaza is an option. Israel, with support of US, must be prepared for both offensive and defensive action in this kind of scenario. Israel has celebrated the killing but have not yet taken the responsibility for the killing. A very wise move by Israel as no Airspace was violated or no direct involvement of Israel can be pointed out.

Role of USA in this Situation.

 US Secretary of State has said that ‘USA was not aware of or involved in this matter’. He further said that there is no point in speculating on the outcome as there are many uncertainties. However, it is well known fact that USA has full support to Israel in case the situation escalates. USA is in no mood to let go its hold on West Asia and let China and Russia have a greater say in the Region.


China and Russia

In last few years China and Russia have become very close to Iran. In fact the West is talking about the un-holy nexus between Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. China was a major factor in fostering reconciliation among different Palestinian factions. The recent Beijing Declaration has raised hopes in addressing long pending Middle East issues. The uncertainty arising due to death of two top leaders of Hamas may derail the peace process and can put China’s efforts in vein. Russia is a major supplier of arms to Iran and in case of escalation it will have a role to play or can also help in de-escalation of the situation arising out of the crisis.


Impact on Israeli-Palestinian Relations

The assassination of two top Hamas leaders like Haniyeh and Dief is likely to have profound implications for Israeli-Palestinian relations. Peace talks, which is stalled for years, could become even more challenging to revive. Trust between the two sides, might further erode. The Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, might find it harder to engage in negotiations with Israel amid heightened tensions and violence.

The killing could also affect the Palestinian public's perception of both Hamas and the Palestinian Authority. Hamas might gain increased support among Palestinians who view Haniyeh's death as a heroic sacrifice, while the Palestinian Authority could be seen as ineffective or complicit. This shift in public opinion could further complicate efforts to achieve a unified Palestinian stance in future negotiations.

How the Incident can be Termed as ‘Killing Many Birds with One Stone’

Hamas has been substantially weakened by killing of its top leader and probably facing huge challenges in the leadership.

Ismail Haniyeh has been killed on Iran’s soil, by a bomb planted in the Guest House months back. This is a direct attack on Iran’s pride. Iran wants to retaliate but has very limited options and probably proof.

Hezbollah and Houthi militants who are supported by Iran are finding themselves cornered. Iran may use them to retaliate but their top leadership is also scared now.

Russia and China are finding the situation very tricky as the incident has no direct involvement of Israel. Their standing in West Asia support is going to take a beating.

USA finds itself in advantageous situation as it can safely deny its involvement but can feel very relieved with the outcome.

It may lead to end of Israel Hamas war and a cease fire or can escalate the situation which only the time will tell.

Where is PDEU in this situation?

At the School of Liberal Studies, PDEU, the department of International Relations and the other departments as well are engaged actively in open discussion forums about the current scenario in and around the world. The in-making diplomats of the nation have got their own perspectives and world views which give us more open platforms to liberal thoughts, helping the University, the students, the people of the nation and beyond a better and fair place to survive.





 It’s a pleasure to announce the commencement of the new academic session of 2024-25. With the lush-green campus now robust with the hustle-bustle of fresh faces, the university now feels complete till the T. This transition from school to college is a major event for all the students and to make it more memorable, a week-long orientation was conducted at Pandit Deendayal Energy University which involved interaction with the respected faculties, laboratory staff, lab visits, fun experimentations and lot more fun activities. Finally, it culminated with a cultural day with our old students and the current students performing on stage with full zeal and zest. This was followed by a gala dinner for everyone.

As enthusiastic the students are, our faculties and mentors are equally rejoicing the commencement of the new session with new set of students. Seeing such vibrance in the campus after a big break of summer vacations, everyone feels as if the campus has got its life back. The sole purpose of the university is to cater knowledge to the students and with one-of-the-best labs and equipments, the university has plunged itself to achieving greater heights for a better future for the nation. As our students are called the future nation-builders and energy soldiers of the nation, our students will not just be gaining academic knowledge, but also be receiving an overall holistic development.

From the Director General Prof. Dr. S. Sundar Manoharan to the Director of School of Technology, Dr. Dhaval Pujara to the Director of School of Energy Technology, Dr. Anirbid Sircar; all have been prepping vigorously on their end to cater to the admissions of these bright students as well as beginning the journey of their bright career ahead. Right from the Central Admission Team to the Placements Cell to the Administration Office and our dear faculties, all here at PDEU were looking forward for a zesty kickstart into the new academic year and also meeting and engaging with our new students. Raw and rusty stones when put in good hands have the capability of turning into diamonds. The same will be the case with our potential students who have been chosen to be carved out and shine like a diamond in four years.

It has been quite often seen how in this Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha era students are engaged much into technology and its benefits as well as dis-advantages. But here at PDEU, the social butterflies and the not-so-social butterflies both get a broad spectrum of opportunities to explore including extra-curricular activities, club activities, hackathons, annual fests, sports activities and fests etc. for them to explore themselves and for them to represent our university at various levels of glory across the nation. Apart from these, academically inclined students get opportunities with acclaimed paid internships, research opportunities, financial assistance and other benefits given by Innovation and Incubation Centre. These are the pathways which pave their way towards becoming a holistically developed individual; ready to take on the world by a storm.


On a whole, cutting the long story short, students here at PDEU will have a bright and exciting future to hold with a diverse culture and dynamic environment to study into. With a 100-acre lush green campus, all of us are indeed at a very happening place to be at. Cheers to the new energy soldiers at making!

Celebrating Engineer’s Day - The Role of Human Ingenuity and Engineering in the Age of AI

By. Dr. Shobhit Chaturvedi,  (Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering, SOT, PDEU) The Legacy of M. Visvesvaraya Engineer’s Day, celebrate...